
Illustration of a little girl's trainers by Hannah Foley. All rights reserved (www.owlingabout.co.uk).On the way back from a swim this evening the dusk was dim enough that I needed to put the car headlights on. The breeze that tosses the trees has a roguish manner. In England the main summer month is August, but in Scotland it is July. The autumn school term starts in mid August rather than September. It’s not to say that summer is over here, but it is on the wane. In a funny way I’m ready for it. As much as I sometimes wish I lived somewhere I could count on the weather being balmy I actually love the seasonality of the UK. Away visiting relatives last week we snuggled beneath our duvets in a cosy coastal attic while a passing squall pebble-dashed the windows with rain and the wind whistled down the chimney. It was lovely. I revelled in the thought of woollen jumpers and thick socks. Nevertheless, come January I’ll be ready for another change!

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