Le Immagini della Fantasia

Illustration for 'November' for Li'immagini della Fantasia by Hannah Foley. All rights reserved (www.owlingabout.co.uk).I can understand our ancestors starting to light bonfires at this time of year. For me the change from October to November is full of images of lights glinting against the seasonal gloom. At going home time car headlights wearily process along main roads, mirrored in the black wet tarmac. Front rooms and kitchens are stage lit in the dim light of the early evening, illuminating interior life before the curtains are closed against the night, like hundreds of mini TV sets all showing different soap operas.

The changing of the clocks seems to suddenly accelerate the imminent approach of winter and always makes me feel nostalgic. It brings back memories of soggy shoes, cold-nipped fingers, steamy kitchen windows, and cosily conspiring with my sister by the gas fire.

Recently I was asked to illustrate a text that made me think of lots of those seasonal childhood memories. Twelve illustrators were invited to produce an image each for a text about Scotland through the months by the children’s writer Vivian French for a touring exhibition. You can read more about the exhibition here and pictured above is my contribution. I illustrated the month of November, which was about frosty mornings and warm porridge. The exhibition opened in Italy last week and will be touring Europe over the next year.

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